Untitled By Jamie Thomas (@thatjamiethomas)

Untitled By Jamie Thomas (@thatjamiethomas)

I’ve spent the better part of the last seventeen months in my house. It has been both a privilege for which I am deeply grateful, and a source of helpless frustration for all the while as I’ve stared at the same four walls and walked the same wood floors and slept beneath the same dusty chandelier, the world outside has been burning.

THE A.P. MILLER GUIDE TO WORKPLACE MAYHEM (Or: The I’m Tired of Being Gainfully Employed Manifesto) By A.P. Miller (@Millerverse)

THE A.P. MILLER GUIDE TO WORKPLACE MAYHEM (Or: The I’m Tired of Being Gainfully Employed Manifesto) By A.P. Miller (@Millerverse)

Gillian’s theme this month was “joy.” I’m not the type of person who can just sit around and be joyful — blame it on watching raunchy TV shows on MTV in the 1990’s, or a steady diet of brain rotting video games for the Sega Genesis console, but I’m someone with a very particular funny bone.